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Supporters of the 3rd International Miners' Seminar





Gerald Asamoah, Fußballspieler bei Schalke 04
Rainer Aulenbacher, ehem. Betriebsrat IGBCE Bergwerk Saar
Frank Baier, Liedermacher aus dem Ruhrpott
Oskar Böhm, Bürgermeister a.D. Neukirchen Vluyn, ehem. Bergmann
Werner Engelhardt, Fraktionsvorsitzender im Stadtrat BergAUF Bergkamen
Stefan Engel, öffentlicher Sprecher der Bergarbeiterzeitung „Vortrieb"
Lisa Gärtner, ehemalige JAV Opel Bochum
Monika Gärtner-Engel, Stadtverordnete AUF Gelsenkirchen
Annegret Gärtner-Leymann, Betriebsrätin Opel Bochum

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Resolution of the women around mining 31.08.2008


We, the miners' wives and the women and girls supporting the miners' movement, have actively participated in the days of the International Miners' Seminar and are deeply moved concerning the experiences and visions of the international miners' movement. We could experience from the contributions the great role of the miner's wives, the female miners and the 190 million children in the factories and collieries. We heard about their hard live, their struggles for the daily bread, their worries and fears – and saw their fighting power. We state:

1. Working conditions and live situations of the miners and their wives and families havebecome nearly unbearable worldwide in many ways.
The protecting and helping families are dissolving, men are on the road to find work and women are alone with their children and the lowest work.
In Germany we are worried about mass redundancies and mine shut downs probably destroying a whole region. Our youth doesn't have a future. We bring up our children to lead a courageous militant live! Especially young women are a great militant potential.
In the mines of Latin America, South Africa, Eastern Europe our husbands and sons are forced to work under the most primitive and critical working conditions. Every day we are anxious about their lives because work safety doesn't count at all.
Like in South Africa we have to live in shacks or like in Germany mining estates as affordable living space are being destroyed
The international mining companies are recklessly destroying our areas of life and our environment as in the Cordilleras/Philippines. For us women protection of our natural environment – some call it "mother earth" – is an exceptional affair of the heart.

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